Scuba Diving

Get Wet !!!


I have been scuba diving since 1991 and have never stopped eversince. I took my NAUI Open Water I when I was studying in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and later advanced to NAUI Open Water II in November 1991. My NAUI certification was by MAKO Sub-Aquatics located at Ayer Rajah Industrial Park.

In April 1993, I advanced my certification further by taking up PADI rescue diver course. Then later that year, I took up NAUI underwater photography. In NTU, I was the secretary for the Scuba Diving Club in 1992/3 and the chairman in 1993/4. It was an enjoyable time for me, organising courses, producing newsletter, organising a Southern Island Cruise, setting up a computer account and also putting diving related books in the library. I even organised a course where Benedict Goh, the Pyramid Game host attended back then.

Currently, I am in KPMG and had organised one diving course for the company so far. I guess I'll be organising more in future, that is if I'm still there. Hee hee!

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Well, in my short 6 years of diving experience, I've dived a total of 135 dives and my total water hours to date is 97.30 hrs. The deepest dive I made was 155 feet and the longest dive was 1 hr 20 mins.

I make one long trip and a few short trips every year. The short trips I made were usually in Penisular Malaysia. Mainly, Pulau Permanggil, Pulau Aur, Pulau Tioman, Pulau Sibu, Pulau Tinggi and Pulau Redang. The longer trips I've been to were to Australia's Great Barrier Reef, Indonesia's Manado, Sabah's Sipadan and Phuket (1 dive only).

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Pulau Permanggil

Pulau Permanggil is situated on the east coast of Penisular Malaysia. It is a small island between Pulau Aur and Pulau Tioman. The main characteristic of this island is a big rock standing behind the main village which resembles an elephant and hence, it is called Elephant rock. The island has a school where children from the surrounding islands attend.

MAKO Sub-Aquatics is by far the most active agency that uses this island for training. Very few other diving agencies goes there as this island is not as commercialised as Pulau Aur or Pulau Tioman. The corals on the island are relatively undamaged as compared to the other islands. Most of the terrain is relatively shallow and the marine life is quite abundant. The dive sites include Lanting, Kador-Kador, Pontianak, Pak Kaley, the wall and many more. Most sites are easy sites except for currents in some of these sites.

MAKO Sub-Aquatics Pte Ltd

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Pulau Aur

Pulau Aur is located south of Pulau Permanggil is the furthest island from the main port of departure, Mersing which is in northeast tip of Johore Bahru. Hence, the currents are usually quite strong but it has some of the most interesting dive sites. Pular Aur is the main island with three other islands surrounding her, Pulau Dayang, Pulau Lang and Pulau Pinang (not Penang although they have the same name).

Pulau Dayang is very close to Pulau Aur, with a deep channel separating the two islands. The current in the channel is very strong and not advisable for beginners to dive. The corals at the coast of Dayang in between the channel are very beautiful and relatively untouched as not many divers go there.

Other dive sites include the Pinnacle, Rainer's Rock and sites at Pulau Pinang and Pulau Lang (no names were given as the islands are the sites itself). The Pinnacle is a submerged reef located out in the open seas. The highest point of the reef is about 40 feet below the surface. This is an advanced dive site as the currents at the surface is very strong. The fish life is abundant at the reef and pelagics like barracudas, manta rays and tiger shark have been spotted there. Another dive site that is interesting is the Rainer's Rock where a whale shark has been spotted. However, recently I heard that the resident whale shark has been netted by a trawler. At Pulau Pinang, there is a huge sea fan which is about 2 metres high. There used to be a Japanese Zero fighter off Pulau Lang but sadly the plane had been removed.

MAKO Sub-Aquatics Pte Ltd

Friendly Waters Seasports

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Pulau Tioman

Pulau Tioman is the biggest island on the east coast of Penisular Malaysia and the most commercialised. The dive sites are mostly located at the Coral Islands, North of the Island. The closest village is Selang and there are 2 diving shops situated there. You can rent everything there as they are fully equipped. Most of the sites are about 30 mins to 1 hr away, depending on the type of the boat used. The diving shops have their own diving boats with 200 hps outboard engines.

The dive sites include Pulau Tulai (Malang Rock & Genting Bay), Pulau Labas, Pulau Chebeh, Pulau Sayah and Selang Bay. The fish life is average but the dive sites are quite interesting as there are a number of swim throughs and interesting formations. Humphead parrot fishes are seen here quite often.

Fishermen Scuba Studio Pte Ltd

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Pulau Sibu and Pulau Tinggi

Pulau Sibu is located south of the port of mersing and is quite close to the mainland. This island is relatively small and flat. There are not many resorts located there which makes it an ideal place to relax. This place is not an ideal diving spot as the visibility is bad most of the times (about 10 to 20 feet average). However, the attraction here is the that lobsters can be found in these waters. Recently, the number of lobsters has dwindled as the fishermen used nets to catch these lobsters by the thousands. But still, there are areas where lobsters can still be found. However, please do not catch those lobsters with eggs and those that are too small for consumption.

Pulau Tinggi is just north of Pulau Sibu and there are a number of resorts there which usually offer fishing. Some of the resorts do offer scuba diving though the visibility in these waters are not that great either. So far, I've only dived there once and did not find the place good for diving. However, it is a good place for relaxation.

Aquatic Hideout Holiday & Marketing Pte Ltd

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Pulau Redang

Pulau Redang is located in the northern part of Penisular Malaysia, off the coast of K. Trengganu. The waters surrounding this island is crystal clear, with visility from 40 feet to about 60 feet. Great place to dive. Some of the dive sites include Pulau Karah, Pulau Lima, Pulau Pinang (yeah, another Pulau Pinang which is not Penang), Tanjong Katong and Mini Mount (a submerged reef). Fish life is quite abundant and turtles can be seen quite frequently especially at turtle bay. I would like to tell you more about Pulau Redang but unfortunately I went there once only.

MAKO Sub-Aquatics Pte Ltd

Fishermen Scuba Studio Pte Ltd

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Australia, Great Barrier Reef

Termed the largest living organism in the world, the Great Barrier Reef is anything but great. The publicity about this place is too exaggerated. Though the viz is great, usually between 60 to 100 feet viz but the corals are not as vibrant as those around this region. Though the corals are not as beautiful as those around this region, but the fish life is quite abundant and they are usually quite big. Not all the dive sites are nice though. I went there after my graduation in May 1994 and boarded Mike Ball's Super Sport, an excellent boat. The service is superb, a first class service. We have 3 regular meals with breaks in between every dive. The food is excellent and there is even free flow of wine during dinner time.

The dive package I paid for was the 4 days 3 nights Cod hole. The dive sites includes Wide Escape, Steve's Bommie (Pinnacle), Fish Market, Calm Beds, Pixie's Wall, Challenger Bay, Pixie Pinnacle, The Abyss and Cod Hole.

The highlight of the package is the Cod Hole. The Potato Cods (a kind of grouper) are really big, the biggest I saw was about 6 feet long and they sure were not shy creatures. There were altogether over 30 of them plus other kinds of groupers and snappers as well. There were even 2 Maori Wrasse that were resident there. One of the Maori Wrasse is about 2 metres long, the other is only about 1 metre long only. There were also 2 Moray Eels there. The best was still the Potato Cods, which allowed me to pet it (Make sure you don't force the fish and let them come to you and don't use gloves. The best is don't do it.). To view my photo of a moray eel taken at Cod Hole, click here. There are many dive operator that dives the Great Barrier Reef. Here are some of them, just click onto the names.

Mike Ball Dive Expeditions

Taka II Dive Adventures

Deep Sea Divers Den

Cairns Dive Centre

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Indonesia, Manado

Manado is located at the northern tip of Sulawesi Island of Indonesia. This enchanting place is great for macro photography. The dives are usually wall dives, so bounyancy control is essential. I went there in June 1995, with my University friends. We stayed at the Murex Dive Resort, a tropical chalet type resort with a garden setting. Great place for relaxation. The sad thing is there are no nice beaches at or near the resort. However, the viz is great. The normal viz is 60 to 100 feet. Most of the dives are done at Bunaken and surrounding islands.

Lunch is usually served on board the diving boat and snacks are served between dives. The dive sites at Bunaken Island includes Lekuan 3, Alumbunua & Cela Cela. Other dive sites includes Muka Gereja, Lekuan 2, Pangulingau and Fukai Point. There are more dive sites but we did not stay there long enough to dive all the sites. You can even go for a live-on-board which brings you to even more dive sites at Sulawesi.

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Malaysia Sabah, Sipadan

Sipadan lies off the north eastern coast of Borneo. The island has a marine ecosystem so perfect and unique that it is world renowned as arguably, one of the best dive spots anywhere. Pulau Sipadan is the only oceanic island in Malaysia, though Indonesia claims that the island belongs to Indonesia. The island rises as a pristine coral sea-mount, 2000 feet from the floor of the Sulawesi Sea. The ocean teems with a wide range of rare marine species, some of which are totally endemic to the island. The island's dense primary jungle remains largely unspoilt by the presence of man, and is populated by the harmless monitor lizard and rare coconut crab.

Green, Hawksbill and leatherback turtles, some as big as six long, are regular inhabitants of the island, coming ashore in season to lay their eggs on Sipadan's pristine beaches. Schools of barracudas and jacks frequent South Point and Barracuba point where currents can be quite strong and unpredictable at times. You can be sure to see at least 6-10 turtles and sharks on every dive. The sharks are mainly white tips mostly 3 to 7 feet long.

For me, I went to Sipadan in July 1996 with Alex Yap, my dive buddy since NTU. Actually, we went to Pulau Mabul, an underwater photographer's paradise. Pulau Mabul is just 15 minutes boat ride away from Sipadan and the island holds the secrets to an underwater treasure that is barely known. For here, lies a collection of some of the most rare and bizarre marine creatures to be seen anywhere.

On just a single dive, one may see any number of brightly coloured and varied Nudibranches. Sharp eyes can find a fascinating variety of the ocean's camouflage artists such as the sleepy crocodile fish at Crocodile Avenue, Frog fish perched on a sponge awaiting it's prey. Garden eels away on the sand beds, while pipefish peep out from the bright landscapes of soft corals. And there are also a wide variety of ever shy and curious moray eels. We even saw the ever elusive stunning and colourful Mandarin Goby. At lobster's wall, you can find big lobsters hunting for food. Some of the divers even saw the tiny ghost pipefish. It is an experience I will not forget. You should go there if you can, you will not regret it.

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Underwater Photography

There are only 3 photos in this page. However, I'll try to update the photos every month. Click here to view the photos.

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Diving Shops and Agencies

MAKO Sub-Aquatics Pte Ltd

71 Ayer Rajah Crescent #05-01/03

Ayer Rajah Industrial Park,

Singapore 139951

Tel: 774 1440 Fax: 775 6935

Friendly Waters Seasports

5 Coleman Street, #02-23

Excelsior Shopping Centre

Singapore 179805

Tel: 338 5545, 338 5548 Fax: 338 5586

Fishermen Scuba Studio Pte Ltd

112 East Coast Road

#04-21 Katong Mall

Singapore 428802

Tel: 440 9921 Fax: 440 6792

Aquatic Hideout Holiday & Marketing Pte Ltd

Blk 3 Everton Park #01-77

Singapore 0208

Tel: 226 2193 Fax: 225 5475

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